Generally, creditors have a certain timeframe in which to file claims against a person’s estate. If the creditor does not file the claim timely, the creditor is not entitled to payment. Once a probate claim is made, the personal representative may opt to allow or disallow the claim. If the personal representative disallows the claim, then the creditor has a specified period of time in which to file suit or petition the Orphans’ Court for allowance of the claim. If the creditor fails to act timely, then the claim is forever barred. On the other hand, if the personal representative does nothing, the creditor can petition the Orphans’ Court for payment of the claim.
Please contact our knowledgeable attorneys to assist you in disputing or resolving a claim.
Generally, creditors have a certain timeframe in which to file claims against a person’s estate. If the creditor does not file the claim timely, the creditor is not entitled to payment. Once a probate claim is made, the personal representative may opt to allow or disallow the claim. If the personal representative disallows the claim, then the creditor has a specified period of time in which to file suit or petition the Orphans’ Court for allowance of the claim. If the creditor fails to act timely, then the claim is forever barred. On the other hand, if the personal representative does nothing, the creditor can petition the Orphans’ Court for payment of the claim.
Please contact our knowledgeable attorneys to assist you in disputing or resolving a claim.