April 17, 2014

There are actually hundreds

Death from cardiovascular disease was defined by ICD 9 (international classification of diseases, ninth revision) codes 390 to 449.9 before 1999 and ICD 10 codes I00 […]
April 10, 2014

Estate planning and knowing property details

There’s a sort of societal expectation that you’re supposed to slow down as you get old, and I think you should fight against that.  Don’t let […]
April 3, 2014

A roundup of Senior Moments’ suggestions

The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent to whether it is taken or not and never […]
March 27, 2014

Include long-term care insurance in financial plans

We all know that, as the old adage has it, It is later than you think.  Occasionally, I also say it is LIGHTER than you think.  […]